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the real news affecting our village

Parish Poll results

Published: 13/05/2019 9:55 PM Updated: 14/05/2019 18:30

The results of today's Parish Poll have been announced:

1. In light of concerns by residents about speeding traffic in the village, this poll is requesting Adderbury Parish Council to ask Oxfordshire County Council to carry out a formal consultation with all residents on the introduction of traffic calming measures to reduce speed of traffic on village roads.

YES: 152    NO: 299.

2. It has been identified that Adderbury Parish Council, Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council have at their disposal up to £30,000 to spend on traffic related projects in the village. If effective traffic calming requires more funds to be committed do you want that money to be sourced from some of the existing funds (known as Section 106) available to village projects?

YES: 150    NO: 303.

3. Do you agree with the Parish Council’s decision to support new Sports and Community facilities on the Milton Road and to use the Section 106 funds already allocated, for this project?

YES: 318    NO: 136.

Turnout was 19.4% with 467 electors out of 2405 voting today. There were 7 spoilt papers.

Val Scarff set question 3 in the poll.   Mrs Scarff told Adderbury News, "It was a most positive and resounding result yesterday and I am delighted that the people of Adderbury again made their feelings very clear and supported the No No Yes campaign.   So thank you to all who voted and I sincerely hope that everyone now can work together for this wonderful village of Adderbury - not East or West, there is no such thing - BUT for the whole parish of Adderbury/Twyford".

The West Adderbury Residents Association issued the following statement:

"WARA raised 2 out of the 3 Parish Poll questions as a direct request from our members when we asked them what the action should be after conducting a traffic consultation with West Adderbury residents in January - those results are attached and make clear the issues residents in West Adderbury are concerned with:

• 403 households were contacted during December /January
• We had 169 responses: 42% of all households in West Adderbury
• 93% of residents wanted active measures taken to combat traffic speed
• 87% wanted Section 106 funds used to pay for traffic calming

"West Adderbury only makes up 23% of the parish electorate but 33% of the vote was in favour of more action on traffic control than the parish council is willing to undertake.

"The 3rd poll question was raised by a proxy of WFAC/APC as a diversion to a very important issue. WARA has NOT opposed the Milton Rd project, it was set-up after the 2017 Poll and accepts that result. Any accusation contrary to that fact is false and used as a divisive tool by the usual suspects to split opinion in the village.

"Residents in Twyford and West Adderbury have some real concerns about traffic safety and our poll questions reflected that, let's all hope no-one gets hurt on our village roads".

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